Dumb Answer of the Week
What Happens When You Speak Before You Think

June 9th - June 15th, 2013

Text by: Robert Seidelman
Video by: Cory Anotado

As often the case is on this site, we often miss certain special moments that happen on various game shows that would be perfect fodder for this section of the site or even for induction material.  A couple of days ago, I watched a bit of Steve Harvey's comedy routine from last summer where he was talking about one of the dumbest families to ever grace the show.  Well, the episode aired and me and Jim never caught it.  It's on my DVR someplace, but I am trying to get all of last season off there as well.  So, thanks to Cory Anotado for linking us to his special creation.  He melded that same standup routine with the actual footage.  I don't know about you guys, but it made it even funnier.  Here it is in all of its glory.


Be sure to check out Cory's youtube site at www.youtube.com/pacdudegames and also check out his site at www.pacdudegames.com for more of his musings on game shows and play some of his creations as well.  Also, check out his 24 Hour Game Show Marathon stuff with Bob Hagh and Christian Carrion at the pacdudegames Youtube Channel as well.  They did a great job as always and we'll continue to support them in 2014.

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